Using WeatherAlerts

Simple example

This are three examples of the simplest implementation, import the WeatherAlerts class, create an instance requesting alerts for an area based on one or more SAMECODES or bt requesting an entire State.

from weatheralerts import WeatherAlerts

# Alerts by a Samecode
nws = WeatherAlerts(samecodes='016027')
for alert in nws.alerts:
    print alert.title

# Alerts for a list of Samecodes
nws = WeatherAlerts(samecodes=['016027','016001','016073','016075'])
for alert in nws.alerts:
    print alert.title

# Alerts for a State
nws = WeatherAlerts(state='ID')
for alert in nws.alerts:
    print "{0}:  {1}".format(alert.areadesc, alert.title)